Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

From Nannygoat
Love this site.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

I have becomed addicted to blogs. The positive side of all this is that I'm getting alot done in my sewing room. The blogs I have been following are a real inspiration.

A friend and I are getting ready for a Market Days in Sept in Schertz, and hopefully a craft show in November here in Boerne. She is working on mens shirts, mostly sizes L to 3XL in really great fabrics. I working on baby things; blankets, car seat tents & burp pads. I have always sewed gifts for friends, but never have taken it to the next level.

My goal this week is to register my brand name and start the process for a tax id number. I'm working on how to post credit for my inspirations, I'm not quite up to that stage yet.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Getting Ready for the Weekend

I'm making Chocolate Chip cookies for a get together on the river this Sunday. I have a great cookie mold I picked up at Crate and Barrel this this winter. It takes a bit of trial and error, but the results are worth the effort. I'll probably make brownies tomorrow in the same mold. I'll try and download a picture for this post, still trying to figure out all the bells and whistles.

My bandanas should arrive today by UPS. I'm really looking forward to working on the tablecloth I saw on another blog site, I posted the site to my FB page, I'll add it here too when I figure that part out.

Our backyard table and chairs started out as a beautiful teak set I picked up at Sam's 4 years ago for a song. However, I let the bag brothers convenience me to shellac the table with marine varnish. Huge, Huge HUGE mistake! The varnish is still peeling off 4 years later. I have sanded the table and chairs every year, and they still are peeling varnish. So a tablecloth and chair cushions are essential.

I hope you all have a great weekend, and find time to be quiet and remember all the special people in your life that are no longer with us.